Everyone.AI was honored to launch the International Coalition for “Beneficial AI for Children”, co-led with Paris Peace Forum, during the AI Action Summit in February 2025 in Paris. Stay Tuned!

Responsible AI for Children Pledge

The goal of this pledge is to raise awareness about the responsibilities inherent in developing, implementing and using AI applications and products directed toward children. While it does not establish specific guidelines, it serves as a frame of reference for reflecting on the utilization of AI in context involving children. 

Acknowledging both the transformative power and the inherent risks of artificial intelligence addressed to children, we are dedicated to the development and use of AI that is purposeful, responsible and ethical, ensuring the safety and well-being of future generations. 

As a contributor, product developer, engineer, educator or parent, I PLEDGE TO:

  1. Child safety. Prioritize and rigorously protect children’s security and well -being, ensure their privacy and safeguard them from harmful content and online risks in all AI interactions. 
  2. Child first AI: Uphold children’s rights and foster AI solutions that prioritize children’s well -being and serve meaningful purposes. This commitment includes ensuring that human oversight is an integral part of these systems and avoiding misleading or negative influences. 
  3. Ethical, equitable and inclusive AI: Implement AI that is ethical, equitable and inclusive to ensure it benefits all children regardless of their background, ability or needs. AI systems must consistently mitigate bias through their entire life cycle to respect human rights and ensure access to all children. 
  4. Age -appropriate AI: AI design. Create and use AI solutions that are age -appropriate cognitively and socio -emotionally. It’s essential to have clear age guidelines and only provide access to features that are appropriate for the developmental period. (e.g. early childhood, adolescence).
  5. Fair and transparent AI: Clearly communicate the principles and processes behind AI decision -making. This includes transparent explanation of AI functions, data usage and decision criteria tailored to be understandable to children and their guardians. 
  6. Data privacy for children: To uphold current regulations on data privacy such as COPPA and GDPR and protect children’s data privacy with robust safeguards. This includes ensuring informed consent. minimizing collection of personally identifying data, and limiting retention of data to what is essential for product efficacy and improvement or research. Please sign below to show your commitment to protecting children in the AI era. 

Frequently Asked Questions about the Pledge

1. FAQ Why does my signature matter on this plege?

Your signature is a powerful statement of support for ethical AI practices, especially in applications involving children. It adds to the collective voice advocating for responsible AI development, emphasising the importance of prioritising children’s safety, rights and wellbeing.

Every signature, whether from an individual, parent, educator or organisation, contributes to building a community committed to ethical standards and inferences, the direction of AI development and policy.

Your commitment helps ensure that AI is used as a force for good in the lives of children.

2. FAQ What do you hope to gain from collecting signatures on this pledge?

By gathering signatures, we aim to create a strong, unified front that advocates for child -centric AI development. These signatures represent a collective commitment to ethical practices, influencing industry standards and potentially guiding policy development. 

They also serve to raise awareness about the specific needs and rights of children in the digital realm. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that AI technologies are developed and used in ways that are beneficial, safe and nurturing for children, setting a positive precedent for future technological advancements. 


3. FAQ What does signing this pledge actually mean for me or my organization?

Signing the pledge means you’re committing to uphold ethical standards in AI development and use, especially when it involves children. 

It’s a declaration of your intent to prioritize child safety rights and well-being in AI applications. While it doesn’t enforce specific guidelines, it serves as a moral compass guiding your actions and decisions in this space. 

4. FAQ How can I ensure compliance with this pledge in my day-to-day operations?

Compliance involves regularly reviewing and aligning your AI development and application processes with the principles outlined in the pledge. 

It’s about making conscious ethical choices in design, implementation and user interaction, especially considering the diverse needs and vulnerabilities of children. 


5. FAQ What if I find certain aspects of the pledge challenging to implement?

The pledge is meant to be aspirational yet achievable. If you find certain aspects challenging, it’s important to seek collaboration, training, or advice from experts in ethics, child development and AI. 

The goal is continuous improvement, not perfection. 

6. FAQ How does this pledge align with existing laws and regulations like COPPA or GDPR?

This pledge complements existing laws and regulations by providing a broader ethical framework. While laws like COPPA and GDPR set legal standards, this pledge encourages you to go beyond mere compliance and proactively consider the well -being and rights of children in your AI solutions. 

7. FAQ Can small businesses or individual developers realistically adhere to this pledge?

Absolutely. The principles in this pledge are scalable and applicable regardless of the size of your operation. They serve as a guiding value that can be integrated into AI projects at any scale, ensuring ethical and responsible development and use. 


The information in this document is based on the research and analysis conducted by our team. While we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the content, we do not guarantee its applicability or suitability for all circumstances. 

Furthermore, this pledge is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice or guidance. The impact of AI on children’s development can vary based on individual factors and environmental influences.

Therefore, any actions or decisions taken based on the information provided in this pledge are solely at the discretion and responsibility of the reader. We disclaim any liability or legal responsibility for any loss, damage or consequences arising directly or indirectly from the use or interpretation of this pledge. 

Readers are advised to consult with qualified professionals for specific advice tailored to the unique situation.